What's a goat?

Graeme @Graeme

Age 32, Male



Joined on 8/12/07

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Graeme's News

Posted by Graeme - February 27th, 2021

About a year and a half ago I made a video covering the games of @SoulGame

Odds are you've seen or played most, if not all, of these developers games. They have multiple that are considered among the great Flash games ever made!

Today I released an updated version of this video. It's about 3x longer than the original version with an expanded interview, more background info, and more detailed looks at their games and series.

I'm so happy with how this came together!!



Posted by Graeme - November 19th, 2020

We haven't nailed down the specifics, but I am working on putting together an interview with Cleod-9 about the history of Super Smash Flash, and their upcoming Fraymakers (as you've likely seen on the front page).

I have my own list of questions that I am putting together, and plan to use this interview in fleshing out a Flashlight video on the series, and it's wild history!

Drop a comment here with any questions of your own you might have, and I will do my best to integrate anything important that I myself overlooked. I look forward to hearing from you all. I think this could be a really cool opportunity for all of us :)


Posted by Graeme - October 6th, 2020

Right at the top here.

The plan is for this to be small, and free. So only take it on if you want something fun to mess around with, and aren't in it to get paid, or earn much more than a little ad rev.

I know that's a lot more than many people can bite off these days. If you really want to, we can treat it as a personal game jam, and not spend more than ~1 week on it? Minimize our time investment, and focus on doing a quick turnaround!

Back in 2008 (it's been a minute...) I did some planning and animating for a Newgrounds themed snowboarding game.


I had a selection of characters from around the site (for each, I had received permission to use in game).

I even drew up sprites for 7 of them! Although some might need touch-ups at this point.


We could easily revisit that now though, and make the last few character additions things that feel a little more relevant to 2020 Newgrounds rather than characters that were popular a decade ago xD

Each one has a basic animation for lean right, lean left. As well as a tail grab, nose grab, and one move that's unique to that character! Each character could have different stats for speed, acceleration, rotation, etc.

We could do it as an endless runner of sorts. Maybe with physics somewhat similar to Downhill Snowboard?

Do flips. Tricks. Collect... something. Unlock snowboards, and characters. Add some achievements and a highscore board. Maybe there are a few different themed hills to go down with slight Newgrounds related re-skins?

Probably not much more than that needed.

We'll keep it small, simple, and I can send some of the assets over to work with asap!

I hope that's strikes someone's interest. Cheers!



Posted by Graeme - July 3rd, 2020

I still view Brian Kendall's The Demented Cartoon Movie as being one of the all time best Flash creations.

All of my earliest Flash movies (mostly the ones that never made it to Newgrounds) were entirely shaped by this screwball sense of humor! And I truly believe the utter insanity and commitment to non-continuity is something that has influenced me for many years since.

So here is my video dedication to Brian, and all things Demented!

If you're into this sort of Flash series/cultural history, then please consider checking out my series, Flashlight

And if you want to support me in that creation, Patreon would be the best place!

Although realistically, with Kongregate going into archival mode. Supporting Newgrounds, and ensuring that it is here to stay is likely a better long-term investment. Flash preservation is so important!!


Posted by Graeme - April 26th, 2020

Here's the latest installment of Flashlight! A video series where I look at popular and influential Flash games, series, artists, and other important legacies of Flash culture and creation.

This is a video I have been excited about doing ever since I started the Flashlight series, but I was always a little daunted about taking it on. I'm so thrilled to have finally taken it on, and being able to share my personal connection and love of Riddle School!

Here is a playlist of the full series, if anyone is interested in more videos like this!



Posted by Graeme - December 7th, 2019

As I'm sure many of you in various animators circles have heard this week, a director, Kevin Bao, had allegedly built a career around tracing over other people's hard work.

Now that this has all come to light, he has basically been chased out of every corner of the internet. This video tries to summarize the story a little, show some comparisons, but mostly to act as a showcase for the artists who were stolen from.

Hopefully when you give this a watch, you find a couple new bright young talents to follow!


HUGE shoutout to Catsuka for their initial work assembling the stolen clips into one convienant place, and putting a lot of eyes on this

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/catsuka


Porigoshi is supposedly the animator who worked on that Steven Universe Sequence

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/porigoshi

BBWB animation

Oleg Kositsyn (BBWB anim) who made the cool dragon clip from LAST WORD, and the Spider-Man remake.

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/brdbrwthbeer

YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh9Ytxk4fe78AAOe5BG4AbQ

Gobelins School

If you are interested in the larger work of the school, or maybe enrolling yourself, check out thier website! Otherwise I recommend their youtube channel where they share all sorts of amazing work from their students.

Website ► https://www.gobelins-school.com/

YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/user/gobelins


The amazing student who stood up for their peers, and put together that painstaking compilation! Show them so big love please!

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/insom_art

Soveins Ten-Zen

The animation collective from Gobelins’

Website ► http://www.souvienstenzan.com/

Moonlight (Music video) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykg1w2iyI1E

Thea Glad

The animator who had their little cat stolen

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/thea_glad

Website ► https://theaglad.co.uk/


Alex Grigg

Chill dude, with a cool style, who likes to share with the animating community

Twitter ► https://twitter.com/alexxgrigg

Website ► http://www.alexgrigg.com/

Late Night Work Club ► http://latenightworkclub.com/


Collective that has been crushing it for 10+ years, responsible for The Ricochet Splended

Website ► http://www.2veinte.com.ar/

Delphine Dussoubs

The rockstar who works on music videos and music shows, as well as plenty of other outstanding pieces!

Website ► http://www.delphinedussoubs.com/

Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/dalkhafine


Despite having worked on the video, Kevin cannot profit from it any further. So please don’t boycott their music/video. It’s still worth a listen!

Website ► http://nulbarich.com/

Golden Wolf Animation

Emmy Awards winners, that Kevin decided were worth ripping off twice in 1 video!

Website ► https://goldenwolf.tv/


Posted by Graeme - October 11th, 2019

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the creator of Baman & Piderman, as well as the new point n click game Later Alligator, Lindsay Small-Butera.

I edited it down into a video that highlights her career path, an Emmy award win for her work on Adventure Time, as well as a large list of her personal animation influences and recommendations.

I thought this might be something that you guys would enjoy, and possibly garner some useful advice or motivation from.

That officially puts me at 10 Flashlight episodes. I sincerely wish I had the time to do them more often. I really love doing the research, interviews, and feeling like I am helping catalog an important part of internet/gaming/animation history.

I plan to for sure do one more before the years end on the death of Flash - and the steps individuals and places like Newgrounds have taken to ensure it's not all lost forever.



Posted by Graeme - September 24th, 2018

I put this together pretty last minute, but wanted to do a video talking about the history of the Madness series. There is unfathomonable amounts of Madness content in exsitence, so I mostly focussed on the core series. But the fandom for this had been so amazing for the last 16 years! I thought it would be worth talking about. I hope you guys like it.

Uncertain when the next Flashlight will be. But it's planned to be on the Crush The Castle series.

Sometime before that though, I have a Venom parody animation I really need to finish! Hopefully I'll be uploading that very soon. Cheers, and Happy Madness Day!


Posted by Graeme - August 4th, 2018

Here is the latest istallment of Flashlight, were I look at the history of various Flash series! So far the focus has been on only games. But I plan to expand to cover different websites, creators, animated series, and more. This episode looks at Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe!



Posted by Graeme - May 10th, 2018

I have been doing my best to create new installments of "Flashlight", a series where I look at the history of different Flash games, series, and more. The first few installments I was still figuring out what the series would be. Now I feel I have 3 episodes at the quality of content and coverage I was hoping to achieve! The latest release coincides with the Steam release of Infectonator 3: Apocalypse!

If you liked the video, you can also check out my videos on Fancy Pants Adventures, and The Adventure Pals.
I will definitely be doing more, and already have a document listing over 70 different topics I could potentially cover!!

Let me know what you guys think. Is there anything that didn't work well in the video, or maybe could have been setup better? Any feedback is much appreciated!

PS. My apologies to @toge-games (Toge Productions) for repeatedly calling them Toge Games in the video. That's just how I know you guys on Newgrounds. Sorry about that!