(2006 - 2007)
The first username I can remember creating was for Knox's Korner in the early 2000's. I loved that forum dearly! But at some point a friend pointed me towards Newgrounds, and the rest is history. It was actually the same friend who first introduced me to Flash! Thanks for that Andrew!
I first joined Newgrounds back in 2006, deciding I would call myself "Blaze". Blaze was already taken, so I made due with Blaze28. I genuinely find that no more or less cringe than Blaze by itself. I've just never had any real attachment to the word, other than thinking it was kinda cool. 28 however remains my favourite number to this day - and I have no idea why!
(2007 - 2013)
I started THIS profile in 2007, with the name Goat-Man. Every subsequent username has been a name-change to this account. While debating the change, and brainstorming new names, I completely failed to check which of those ideas were already taken. This time, I wanted it to be "GoatMan". I pondered that out for days, if not weeks, and never once thought to look at it's availability before getting overlay attached to it. I remember at the time I was SO upset. "Hyphens are lame!" I thought loudly to nobody, in an empty room...
UNFORTUNATELY I had already taken down all my old uploads from Blaze28, planning to then upload them here instead. I regret that, because a few (no matter how craptacular they were) are now lost forever :(
After I pouted about it for a week or two, I decided I still liked the name enough to settle for, "Goat HYPHEN man!" I still liked it on multiple levels: I was playing a lot of Diablo (Goatmen monsters). Goats are silly and fun. And it felt like my own cornball superhero name (even though I never really leaned into that concept). And I only grew to love it more once I had a mascot. One I've never really let go of!
But I NEVER showed my profile to anyone. I guess I just never found the courage to share? "Yup, that's right. Goat hyphen man. That's me. That's a username I specifically chose for myself. I am the Goat Man." My closest friends knew. But I didn't talk about it much to new people I met. And often times outright avoided talking about it, which never felt good... And as I became more proud of my work, I also became more excited to share!
(2013 - 2022)
Each new name change was become more agonizing! I felt I was being indecisive, and worried that I'd regret losing it. Funny to think, considering how hesitant I was to pick Goat-Man in the first place!
I was making new friends in college, and I was excited to show my Newgrounds page to those with some really strong common interests! It felt like time for a more matúre username. It was a tough decision, but in 2013, I decided to sunset Goat-Man, and take up the much simpler name, "Noodle".
Noodle was literally the only nickname I've ever had, both in high school AND in college. But in either friend circle it's never been more than a handful of guys who say "Sup Noodle?" when I first see them, and then never again the rest of the hangout xD. At least felt more personal than my previous usernames! So while it was hard to let of Goat-Man, I felt really good about this change!
I decided my tribute to that old name would be to never change my forum signature! It even has a background that only made sense on the site design at that time. I've had it for this long, right?

In a funny twist, 'Noodle' never really felt embraced by the online community - especially not the way Goat-Man was! Maybe it's too generic? Maybe it conflicted too directly with other Noodle-based usernames? It did always makes me feel a little like I was encroaching on the territory of some very well established artists! I further distanced myself from "Noodle" when I started making stuff on YouTube (and definitely confused things more than I needed to) with 2 Left Thumbs as a brand. Some commenters still call ME 2 Left Thumbs. That was never the intent xD
(1992 - Present)
I've had this name since birth, and I'll have it till I die.
It's the only name all friend groups and communities collectively know me as.
I have the benefit of having a less common spelling, of a somewhat uncommon name. So maybe with this old name/new username I can finally join the ranks of Cher, Madonna, Britney, Beyoncé and other mononymous known female music icons!
And - perhaps most importantly - I genuinely like my name! I always have. Like, 10% of people I meet pronounce it correctly (when asked I usually get them to say, "Grey. Um."). I will respond to almost anything that has the basic sounds or syllables in there. The most common by a MILE is "Gram". I've been called that my whole life by children and adults alike. I actually can't remember if there was I time in my life where I ever corrected people? Funny how someone who wanted to be so precise with these online username choices, was never bothered by his real life name frequently getting mangled. In fact I find it quite funny, and some of the most poor attempts are something I like to laugh about with my family <3
"Graeme" as a clean, standalone username is taken on heaps of other websites, which is maybe too bed? It's not like "Noodle" was any safer in that regard! "Noodle" must get picked within the first 100 users of any new site. Who care about this other sites anyways? This has always been my internet home!
I also think I steered clear from using "Graeme" back in the day, because I was scared of strangers finding me online. Maybe? Likely I was more scared people I knew might find it. Now I happily share with those who show an interest :)
I feel really good about this change. I still hold all my previous usernames dear for one reason or another. That's probably why I felt compelled to document the journey and reflect on my personal history. This change feels like the one I'm keeping for the long-haul.
I'm Graeme. It's a pleasure to meet you all again!