The latest installment of my Flash game/series/developer history and retrospective videos (Flashlight) is a feature on TANKMEN!
I start out with a brief history on the Newgrounds Tank logo, with a few questions answered by @TomFulp, as well as a look at the full series history (and potential future) including an interview with @JohnnyUtah.
Full transcripts are available over on my Patreon.
Huge thanks to those 2 for answering my questions, and helping lace this all together!
I hope that I did the series justice, and didn't leave out any critical part of it's history.
(This video is actually seeing a notably uptick in views the last few hours. If you are so inclined, dropping a comment on the youtube link would help a lot in boosting that upward trajectory. Cheers!!)
I am aiming to put out a Pico oriented episode for the month's end!
If you have any big questions you've always wanted answered about that series, leave a comment and I'll try to run those by Tom and/or MindChamber, if I get organized enough to roll out those intended interviews!
not "Per-cassie"