
139 Movie Reviews

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This is great!
Fancy Pants Man and FBF animation go together like stick figures and fancy pants ;)

SOMEHOW my new favourite thing Harry has ever done. How does he never stop surprising me?!

I am in awe of how much these goofy little square headed cartoons actually looked like the actors. It's like the most minimalist caricatures, and I loved that!

Instant classic

Potatoman responds:

Instant Nooble

I hate it as well. He had his moment 30 years ago when he first made those cartoons. It's unfair to new creators. I genuinely wish that Tom or someone would step in, delete his new movies, reallocate the awards to new submissions, and force illwillpress to update the old pages instead.
He's probably end up leaving Newgrounds if he could milk all those daily awards though. But good riddance. Foamy was funny when I was 11. But I haven't cared about those movies in a LONG time

I think I watched this 30 times before I finally got the 3rd outcome!!
Pretty hilarious idea to randomize the loop, and executed very well.

Excellent sound design as well.

I didn't think that, but now that you mention it, Adam does look a little like a young Rickman. I would love to hear him do an impression!

The animation was fairly well done. It's painfully obvious you were emulating the HISHE style. I think in the long run that might haunt you a little bit. People will see your videos and expect you to be a part of that team.
I hope that over time you start to cross things over into a style of your own, to make them stand out without people instantly making that comparison.

The joke was ok at best. But I really love your style! Your characters look great, and the animation (though limited) is very fluid. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the new year!

Ztoons responds:

Thank you for your feedback!
This certainly wasn't my best work, but it was all in good fun. haha
I'll be sure to create better quality content for the new year. :P

As other people have said, this was a pretty flimsy use of the "in a nutshell" concept. But I won't focus too much on that.

You're style is very nice! I really liked the colours, lines and overall drawings. I think the next step will be to challenge yourself a bit more with the animations.
You did a lot of simple tweens, and 2 frame loops. Next time try to add a bit more detail and flair to those animations!
I think the pacing of things could be picked up too. The chance time scene drug on a while.

It's nice to see another Albertan on Newgrounds, and you are progressing quickly. Keep it up!

GingerPale responds:

Thanks man :) i post mainly on Youtube though xD Newgrounds scares me

This is so stupid, but I love it!

It reminds me of some of the shorts that were popular when sites like Newgrounds first started.

Mrldfx responds:

I feel the exact same way about it :3

What's a goat?

Graeme @Graeme

Age 32, Male



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