
139 Movie Reviews

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Loving it!

the trailer really fired me up! i can't wait to see what you come up with for the actual game! I love RTSs. Warcraft 3, and StartCraft are the best.

maybe add some kind of flying unit. In the trailer there were only ground guys.
what else?
have a campaign and a free play sort of thing. maybe have like 3 different groups to choose from. each with maybe 2 or 3 units specific to that race. instead of them all having the same generic units.
have a hero to head your army (like warcraft 3)

i dunno. thats all i got. haha. some of it might be to hard to fit all into one game. i just got excited. haha.

good luck with this project. can't wait to see the final. when can we expect to see some major progress, or finishing?

Your back!

I must say, i find myself being somewhat of a fan of this series. (it should have its own series page) I don't know what it is, but something really apeals to me about these movies.

I think the ninjas were cool in the second one, but over all it was the weakest.
But now you seem to be back into a groove, after a short time. I've seen to many people make ana amzing first, then slaughter their own series. You don't have that problem.

Keep up the good work. Also, where do you get all your SoundFX?

MarcyVF responds:

Haha! Thanks, I love my fans <3 ^^
Yeah, it should have it's own collection page :/ I hope with you!!! X3
Thanks a lot, my sound FX?
BEST SITE: Findsounds.com
SECOND=GREAT: GRsites.com/sounds
KINDA GOOD: A1freesoundeffects.com
THIRD... Meh: PartnersInRhyme.com
BAAD: FlashKit

OTHER: Worms and THPS4

Music: CDs and myself. AND video games. And voices from MysticShinHanKu!!!! Wooo! X3

Thanks for the review, I like it :D


nicely done

hey its me again.
I'd say this is your longest, and your best of this little series. i liked it. it had lots of randomness, with little bits of subtle humor like <more fillers> i hate making fillers for music videos. haha.

nicely done. how many episodes will this thing have?

FrozenSheep responds:

Hopefully seven.

great stuff

don't apologize for the graphics! it makes it look way cleaner and nicer!

the animation has improved so much since the first! he moves around way more, his conscience actaully moves, it has like 20 different camera angles, things are detailed.
like in the first, how you just used some random background, and i don't think his hand even reached for the phone, and he was holding it, and the phone was still hung up.

you've grown a lot as an animator, and it shows

i see....

i don't get it. but it looked good. and i found it interesting for some reason.

plus you hosted it on my birthday :D

so 5/5 for you!

Penboy responds:


a start

try making your sound louder. the sound was pretty clear though.

maybe it would make more sense if it was lickitongue. or however its spely. i feel like a nerd, but those game were great. haha.


its nice to see orgianl work *adds to favorites*

this one is better than the first! i cant wait for thé third! do you have anything done? a script, some animation? anything? and if so, when can we expect it?


made me laugh. i love that song. and for some reason seeing a tree and a bush sing it made my day. haha


i never even noticed any of these! I was to but paying attention to all the ass-kicking. you should definatly make one for your other JZ movies to. (if they have mistakes?)


this is just, pure beauty. a true masterpiece! whatever i could say has already been said.

btw, my vote brought it back from a 4.59 to a 4.60! ha!

What's a goat?

Graeme @Graeme

Age 32, Male



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