I want to start this post by advertising that I plan to contract some animations out (likely 1 a month) in the New year! It is a bit of a gamble that I plan on taking in an effort to re-invigorate my YouTube channel. Check this thead for more details on expecations and pay. I am excited to have already heard back from a handful of potential animators!
That channel has been on a hiatus while I travelled, and focussed on my job. In my spare time I have been working with friends to produce some new content, and I will be starting things up again in 2016! I have been sharing new animations there lately to also help get things warmed back up. What do you guys think about me producing short, much more frequent animations parodying recent news? Or do you prefer longer, higher production animations?
I was very excited to finally share Nock Nock Nocking! That game was started back ~3 years ago, but it was put on hold a few times. Then it had no luck finding a sponsor.

@TurbRono worked very hard to get this game in working order, and I am very greatful to him. I was especially happy with the efforts he made to integrate the level editor directly into the game, and to allow level sharing here on Newgrounds. It really adds something special to the game!
Finally I wanted to briefly reflect on 2015 on Newgrounds. This has been the year that I have wanted on Newgrounds for many years! I have had at least 1 submission under my belt, every year since 2007. But those contribtuions have been dwindling, and in 2014 I hammered out only one animation that I barely finished in time to submit on December 31st!!
Now in 2015 I have submitted 3 games and 3 movies! Most of that has been crammed into the last couple of months, but it still feels amazing to be contributing again. I hope that is something that I can maintain in 2016. I made a small graph to show my involvement with the site over the years.

I distinguish Solo vs. Collab based on how many animators (VAs an other contributors not counted in this regard) there were. Games are all lumped together, regardless of how many contributors.
You can see how near-absent I have been for a few years now. But I have had an itch in my head that refuses to let me leave a year blank with 0 submissions! I refuse to disappear from this site altogether, and I have really enjoyed becoming involved once again. I plan to stick around as long as humanily possible.
Cheers everybody! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all around!