First off, today is my birthday, so thanks to Newgrounds for making me officially 17 on the side there ;)
Now that I got that out of the way,
I recently released my very own collab!
Did You Hear That?
Comprised of my very own allstar line up of artists. Some already popular, some I believe are up and coming. They all have works outside of the collab that are definately worth a look.
Upon release it finished the day with a 3.46
It barely managed to snag a Daily 5th (got a luckybreak for once) and was generally poorly received by what I can assume was the more low-brow audience here on Newgrounds.
Since then the score has had a pretty significant pick up, and some very favourable reviews. Thank you so much to everyone for your support!
And thanks to the collab participants for your co-operation
Next up, me and StaliN98 made a game together. I think it turned out wonderfully. So much credit goes to him for doing such a spectacular job there. Very happy.
But we are having a lot of troubles finding a sponsor. So that is really disappointing. But I really look forward to it's Newgrounds/internet release.
We will also team up again for a Po3 game!
One of my other partners in crime, Pelo is done his year of college, so he has time to do some coding for Bill's Quest. AKA the longest project in the history of Earth.
That will be one of the most glorious days of my life to see that released to the world.
Animation-wise, I've started the next installment of my Goat series.
See, Goat Trip and Goat 51
I'm looking forward to getting that done. It's already a solid 20 seconds in. But the animation so far is simple, so it might slow down. Im hoping 2-3 weeks will be the absolute most for it to be done.
I also want to make a trailer type movie to coincide with the release of Bill's Quest.
It's scripted and voice acted, so I'll sit down and make that when it gets closer to a release.
Those are probably my two priority projects. I have only 1 other movie started, but it's not very long in, because the animation style will take me a lot longer. So it is shelved for the moment.
To finish off, here is one of my favorite things from my collab, animated by TheBoogley
Thank you honey dearest